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Ссылка: youtu.be/9wdjkkZfMFM
Название видео: Как понять что НЕ НРАВИШЬСЯ мужчине? Как узнать ПРАВДУ?
Марафон «Баланс в отношениях» с моим личным сопровождением:https://hotpsychologies.ru
Поговорим о том, без чего существование любовных отношений просто невозможно. Есть вот эти как минимум 5 компонентов, без которых ваши отношения рано или поздно зайдут в тупик:
1 компонент — сепарация
2 компонент — базовые идеалы
И если у вас сейчас какие-то конфликты в отношениях, это потому что 100% у вас есть расхождения в базовых идеалах. Которые вы, к сожалению, не только не проговорили, но даже не сделали осознанными для себя!
Базовые ценности
Авторитет (или власть) — потребность влиять на другихНезависимость — потребность полагаться только на себяЛюбопытство — потребность получать новые знанияОдобрение окружающих — потребность быть принятым другими людьмиЛичное пространство — потребность организовать свое пространство и свой порядок вокруг себяСоздание запасов — потребность делать накопленияЧесть — потребность быть верным своей родине, семье и предкамИдеализм — потребность в социальной справедливостиСоциальный контакт — потребность в компанииСемья — потребность растить собственных детейСтатус — потребность иметь высокое общественное положениеПобеда — потребность быть победителем в соперничестве, опередить конкурентов, свести счеты и отомстить за обидыЛюбовь — потребность быть красивым и заниматься сексомЕда — потребность в пищеФизическая активность — потребность в физической нагрузкеПокой — потребность в эмоциональном спокойствии.
Какие признаки того что бывшая девушка хочет вернуться.
Очень часто, погорячившись и закончив отношения с парнем, девушки, подумав, решают начать всё сначала. Стоит ли с ней общаться и дать ей возможность начать отношения заново? Разберем в этом видео.
He is the known as the DNA of YouTube India and “Culinary Ambassador” for The Indian Federation of Culinary Associations, IFCA India. Sanjay Thumma, better known as Vahchef, is among the top 10 YouTube stars from India. YouTube honoured him the lifetime views in the YouTube channel which has reached up to over 290 million viewers. vahrehvah.com is the most watched chef across the globe. However, what is it that pulls so many viewers towards Sanjay? Is it his ability to cook alone, or is it his skill to touch the heart of his viewers? Sanjay, at many points in his life had to Rethink how his culinary art impacted individuals and made a difference to their lives. Following your passion can be extremely rewarding. When you put your heart and soul into your passion, the returns are higher than expected and you establish your brand, effectively. Experience his passion in this talk! Sanjay Thumma better known as Vahchef, is an admirable Indian Chef and Entrepreneur in culinary arts in Indian cooking. He is among the top 10 YouTube stars from India. YouTube honored him the lifetime views in the YouTube channel which has reached up to over 290 million viewers. vahrehvah.com is the most watched chef across the globe as Sanjay, shares an inseparable bond with his audience. In fact, YouTube calls him DNA of YouTube India. Recently, Vahchef is assigned as a “Culinary Ambassador” for The Indian Federation of Culinary Associations, IFCA India This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
“We are what we eat, and plants give us what we feed.” Dr. Ramanjaneyulu is waging a war against use of pesticides in agricultural activities and has challenged farming methods. Apart from running the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture as the Executive Director, he also runs an outlet, Sahaja Ahaaram, which stocks pest-free products from farmers. After giving up his full-time employment with the government, Dr. Ramanjaneyulu dedicated himself to the benefit of farmers and his campaign, ‘India for Safe Food’.
An Author, Innovator, Painter, Researcher, Campaigner and an Agriculture Scientist, his current focus of work lies in:
• Working towards establishing models of agriculture which are local resource and knowledge based and economically and ecologically sustainable.
• Networking people and people’s organizations towards universalising agro-ecological approaches to farming rather than as exclusive production.
• Working on policy issues and building grassroot experiences into global campaigns and global issues into grassroot campaigns.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
“We are what we eat and plants give us what we feed.” Dr. Ramanjaneyulu is waging a war against use of pesticides in agricultural activities and has challenged farming methods. Apart from running the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture as the Executive Director, he also runs an outlet, Sahaja Ahaaram, which stocks pest-free products from farmers. After giving up his full-time employment with the government, Dr. Ramanjaneyulu dedicated himself to the benefit of farmers and his campaign, ‘India for Safe Food’. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx