What You Didn’t Know about Language Barriers | Roxanne Pomerantz | TEDxBGU

In the spirit of the event, “TedxBGU2015: Breaking Barriers”, Roxanne brings our attention to language barriers. In a very interesting talk, she takes examples from linguistics, cognitive sciences, and her personal experience as an American living in Israel, to make a case for replenishing the world with multi-lingual people. Imagine a world without language barriers, and ponder whether the amazing ability that all children have to learn languages may be a helpful tool in conflict resolution.

Roxanne lived in Beersheva, Israel for six months to participate in the Overseas Student Program at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Roxanne was the winner of a campus-wide competition to be the Student Speaker representative at TedxBGU 2015. Her talk was inspired by her intensive Hebrew-language learning program (Ulpan) experience and by being part of an international student body that developed strong connections quickly with the help of a new common language. Exposure to the Hebrew language at a very young age through Jewish traditions gave Roxanne a natural advantage in the language learning process: an advantage which, through her debut-Ted talk, she wishes people will be inspired to give to others, simply by making a conscious effort to expose the children in their lives to foreign languages.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

TEDxPerm - Tatiana Chernigovskaya - 9/11/09

Татьяна Черниговская«Почему изучение мозга займет центральное место в 21 веке?» // Tatiana Chernigovskaya «Why will the studies of brain take center stage in the 21st century?

About TEDx, x=independently organize event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self- organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized

events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*

(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Restore your brain with nature | David Strayer | TEDxManhattanBeach

For the past 10 years Professor David Strayer has been researching brain-based measures of cognitive restoration. In his informative, researched-based talk, David shares his findings that spending time in nature — without digital devices — allows the brain to rest and restore. David Strayer is a professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah. Dr. Strayer is a prolific writer and his research examines attention and multitasking in real-world contexts.

Dr. Strayer is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, the Psychonomic Society, and is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Sciences. Most recently he received the University of Utah Distinguished Scholarly and Creative Research Award, and the Interdisciplinary Teaching Grand Award for his work on The Psychology of Traffic.

Dr. Strayer acknowledges that much of the technology that has been created to promote convenience can actually have an adverse effect and overload our brain mechanisms, resulting in distractions. As a human factors psychologist, Dr. Strayer observes what he sees in the real world, links it to theory, develops hypotheses and then tests those hypotheses in his lab. What he has found has helped save lives. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How Five Simple Words Can Get You What You Want | Janine Driver | TEDxHardingU

Janine Driver is Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) profiler and CEO of BlueStreak Training, an online virtual communications training company, for individuals and businesses to better their lives through sales, body language, detecting deception, interaction styles and decision-making programs. She spent more than 16 years as a federal law enforcement officer within the Department of Justice where she learned to quickly size people up. Janine Driver is Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) profiler and shes the CEO of BlueStreak Training, an online virtual communications training company, for individuals and businesses to better their lives through sales, body language, detecting deception, interaction styles, and decision-making programs. Janine has since taught her cunning people-reading skills to such companies as Proctor

Nostalgia | Lene Marie Fossen

Lene Marie Fossen
in conversation with Morten Krogvold
Lene Marie Fossen decided to stop time 20 years ago. She was then 10 years old, and stopped eating. Her personal story is unfortunately relevant and concerns many.

Today Lene Marie uses photography as her way out of the disease. She is self-taught – and has a unique talent. Lene Marie creates soulful portraits, including victims of the refugee crisis on the island of Chios in Greece. She is best known for her beautiful and revealing self-portraits.

Morten Krogvold
Morten Krogvold is a Norwegian photographer and lecturer, especially known for his portrait of artists, writers, politicians, and other celebrities. Krogvold and Lene Marie Fossen joined the TEDxArendal stage in a conversation at TEDxArendal 2017.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
For more news and about our TEDxArendal events, please visit www.tedxarendal.com.

This is one of 27 TEDx talks and performances from the TEDxArendal Conference September 8th and 9th 2017, where leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Follow TEDxArendal on Instagram: www.instagram.com/TEDxArendal and news on Twitter: www.twitter.com/TEDxArendal Like TEDxArendal on Facebook: www.facebook.com/tedxarendal

Kategori Ideelt arbeid og aktivisme

Lisens Standard YouTube-lisens Lene Marie Fossen decided to stop time 20 years ago. She was then 10 years old, and stopped eating. Her personal story is unfortunately relevant and concerns many.

Today Lene Marie uses photography as her way out of the disease. She is self-taught – and has a unique talent. Lene Marie creates soulful portraits, including victims of the refugee crisis on the island of Chios in Greece. She is best known for her beautiful and revealing self-portraits.

Morten Krogvold is a Norwegian photographer and lecturer, especially known for his portrait of artists, writers, politicians, and other celebrities.

He will join speaker Lene Marie Fossen on stage, in conversation about photography and life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Не заводите детей | Анна Титович | TEDxMahilyow

«Мы производим детей на свет и калечим их по своему образу и подобию» (А. и Б. Стругацкие)

Провокационное название выступления Анны Титович – не призыв к child-free образу жизни. Наоборот, Анна поделится своим взглядом на то, что такое «правильные» родители.

В последние годы Анна работала руководителем в информационных и коммерческих онлайн-проектах в сферах дизайна и строительства, предпринимателем, редактором журнала, аналитиком, маркетологом, преподавателем.

Когда в 2013 году Анна готовилась стать мамой, ее приоритеты и ценности сместились в сторону проблем общества и, в частности, молодых родителей и их детей. В 2015 году Анна стала социальным предпринимателем, понимая, что предпринимательский образ мысли может помочь не только создавать самодостаточные проекты, но и помочь в решении проблем общества.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

5 techniques to speak any language | Sid Efromovich | TEDxUpperEastSide

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: bit.ly/1FAg8hB

Sid is our resident hyperpolyglot. He grew up in Brazil and after some journeying around the world, he now lives an exciting life in New York where he works as a Sugar Trader.

Teaching has always been one of his passions and he has led groups of young leaders since 2006. He has given workshops, talks and classes in 3 different continents and is currently a Master Teacher in Skillshare where he teaches classes on nurturing happiness and learning foreign languages.
Sid is also the founder of I Embrace You (formerly called Hug Dont Hate), based in Boston. After presiding over the organization and leading over 100 volunteers annually, he was recognized with the top leadership award in his graduating class at Boston University. He also holds an MBA from Purdue University and from Leibniz Universität. guywiththesmile.com

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson

How you define Stephen Duneier depends on how you came to know him. Some define him as an expert institutional investor, while others know him as a large scale installation artist, avid outdoorsman, professor, decision strategist, coach, business leader, mindfulness extremist, author, speaker, daredevil or Guinness world record holder. In his talk, Stephen explains that what truly defines him arent titles, but an approach to decision making that transformed him from someone who struggled with simple tasks to a guy who is continuously achieving even his most ambitious dreams.

For thirty years, he has applied cognitive science to investing, business and life. The result has been the turnaround of numerous institutional businesses, career best returns for managers who have adopted his methods, the development of a $1.25 billion dollar hedge fund and a rapidly shrinking bucket list.

Mr. Duneier teaches graduate courses on Decision Analysis in UCSB’s College of Engineering. His book, AlphaBrain is due for release in early 2017 from Wiley

Why people believe they can’t draw - and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw | TEDxHull

Why is it that so many people think they can’t draw? Where did we learn to believe that? Graham Shaw will shatter this illusion – quite literally — in a very practical way. He’ll demonstrate how the simple act of drawing has the power to make a positive difference in the world.

Graham specialises in the art of communication and has helped thousands of people to make important presentations. He is perhaps best known for his use of fast cartoon drawings to communicate ideas and is the author of ‘The Art of Business Communication’.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx