Гон лося. Часть 2 // Спецвыпуск # 22

Во время съемок, на характерном участке для брачных лосиных боев, нашел пару рогов этого лесного великана! Вот это удача и яркий признак, что здесь обитают лоси.
Не прошел и десяти метров, как увидел уже несколько признаков присутствия здесь лосей:
— Характерная сломанная лосем ветка.
— Ствол молодой березы с ободранной корой.
— Лежки лося — характерно примятая трава.
— Фекалии лося.
— На месте гона нашел даже остатки лося, съеденного волками.

Брачные баталии у лосей начинаются с наступлением темноты и возобновляются перед рассветом. Когда стемнело нам удалось услышать брачные стоны самцов.
Лоси ходили вокруг нас, но к нам так и не вышли…
В разгар гона завыли волки и брачные таинства лосей в эту ночь по понятным причинам закончились…

Евгения Тимонова: "Эволюция в изоляторе"

На GeekPicnic 2017 автор программы «Всё как у зверей» Евгения Тимонова рассказывает о том, что происходит, когда живые существа оказываются в условиях изоляции. Природа создает весьма причудливые существа о которых и рассказывает известный натуралист.

Beautiful Piano Music, Vol. 3 ~ Relaxing Music for Studying, Sleep or Relaxation

Прекрасная фортепианная музыка (часть 3, см. Список треков ниже) написана Peder B. Helland. Расслабляющая музыка, которую можно использовать в качестве фоновой музыки для работы, учебы, медитации, сна, чтения, сосредоточения, концентрации внимания, спа или йоги. Скачать музыку или слушать онлайн на канале «Soothing Relaxation»: soothingrelaxation.lnk.to/listenYL

0:00 — Peder B. Helland — You

ОШО - Вечерние медитации Скажи - да!

►►► КЮЧИ К СЕБЕ — bit.ly/2X1CO8i
►►► ЭВОЛЮЦИОННЫЙ ЦИГУН — bit.ly/3bumHoU
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Ты входишь в мир Ошо, в измерение Ошо, в сознание Ошо.
Мысль Ошо подобна свету и кислороду — твой дух cтряхнул с себя сумеречное состояние обыденности, ты видишь себя и можешь дышать.

How Five Simple Words Can Get You What You Want | Janine Driver | TEDxHardingU

Janine Driver is Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) profiler and CEO of BlueStreak Training, an online virtual communications training company, for individuals and businesses to better their lives through sales, body language, detecting deception, interaction styles and decision-making programs. She spent more than 16 years as a federal law enforcement officer within the Department of Justice where she learned to quickly size people up. Janine Driver is Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) profiler and shes the CEO of BlueStreak Training, an online virtual communications training company, for individuals and businesses to better their lives through sales, body language, detecting deception, interaction styles, and decision-making programs. Janine has since taught her cunning people-reading skills to such companies as Proctor

5 techniques to speak any language | Sid Efromovich | TEDxUpperEastSide

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: bit.ly/1FAg8hB

Sid is our resident hyperpolyglot. He grew up in Brazil and after some journeying around the world, he now lives an exciting life in New York where he works as a Sugar Trader.

Teaching has always been one of his passions and he has led groups of young leaders since 2006. He has given workshops, talks and classes in 3 different continents and is currently a Master Teacher in Skillshare where he teaches classes on nurturing happiness and learning foreign languages.
Sid is also the founder of I Embrace You (formerly called Hug Dont Hate), based in Boston. After presiding over the organization and leading over 100 volunteers annually, he was recognized with the top leadership award in his graduating class at Boston University. He also holds an MBA from Purdue University and from Leibniz Universität. guywiththesmile.com

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Learning how to learn | Barbara Oakley | TEDxOaklandUniversity

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley is co-teaching one of the worlds largest online classes, «Learning How to Learn», www.coursera.org/course/learning.

She know firsthand how it feels to struggle with math. Dr. Oakley flunked her way through high school math and science courses, before enlisting in the U.S. Army immediately after graduation. When she saw how her lack of mathematical and technical savvy severely limited her options—both to rise in the military and to explore other careers—she returned to school with a new found determination to re-tool her brain to master the very subjects that had given her so much trouble throughout her entire life.

Barbara Oakley, PhD, PE is a professor of engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Her research focuses on the complex relationship between neuroscience and social behavior, and has been described as “revolutionary” by the Wall Street Journal. Oakley’s books have been praised by many leading researchers and writers, including Harvard’s Steven Pinker and E. O. Wilson, and National Book Award winner Joyce Carol Oates. Her book A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel in Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra), will be published by Tarcher-Penguin on July 31, 2014.

Prior to her academic career, Oakley rose from private to captain in the U.S. Army, during which time she was recognized as a Distinguished Military Scholar. She met her husband, Philip, when she was working at the South Pole Station in Antarctica. Her experiences with well-intentioned altruism were shaped by her work as a Russian translator on Soviet trawlers on the Bering Sea during the early 1980s. Oakley was designated as an NSF New Century Scholar—she is also a recipient of the Oakland University Teaching Excellence Award (2013) and the National Science Foundation’s Frontiers in Engineering New Faculty Fellow Award. Oakley is an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)