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The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

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As the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University, Dr. Joseph is often asked what skills he is searching for as a recruiter: is it speed? Strength? Agility? In Dr. Josephs TEDx Talk, he explores self confidence and how it is not just the most important skill in athletics, but in our lives.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

What You Didn’t Know about Language Barriers | Roxanne Pomerantz | TEDxBGU

In the spirit of the event, “TedxBGU2015: Breaking Barriers”, Roxanne brings our attention to language barriers. In a very interesting talk, she takes examples from linguistics, cognitive sciences, and her personal experience as an American living in Israel, to make a case for replenishing the world with multi-lingual people. Imagine a world without language barriers, and ponder whether the amazing ability that all children have to learn languages may be a helpful tool in conflict resolution.

Roxanne lived in Beersheva, Israel for six months to participate in the Overseas Student Program at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Roxanne was the winner of a campus-wide competition to be the Student Speaker representative at TedxBGU 2015. Her talk was inspired by her intensive Hebrew-language learning program (Ulpan) experience and by being part of an international student body that developed strong connections quickly with the help of a new common language. Exposure to the Hebrew language at a very young age through Jewish traditions gave Roxanne a natural advantage in the language learning process: an advantage which, through her debut-Ted talk, she wishes people will be inspired to give to others, simply by making a conscious effort to expose the children in their lives to foreign languages.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Nostalgia | Lene Marie Fossen

Lene Marie Fossen
in conversation with Morten Krogvold
Lene Marie Fossen decided to stop time 20 years ago. She was then 10 years old, and stopped eating. Her personal story is unfortunately relevant and concerns many.

Today Lene Marie uses photography as her way out of the disease. She is self-taught – and has a unique talent. Lene Marie creates soulful portraits, including victims of the refugee crisis on the island of Chios in Greece. She is best known for her beautiful and revealing self-portraits.

Morten Krogvold
Morten Krogvold is a Norwegian photographer and lecturer, especially known for his portrait of artists, writers, politicians, and other celebrities. Krogvold and Lene Marie Fossen joined the TEDxArendal stage in a conversation at TEDxArendal 2017.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
For more news and about our TEDxArendal events, please visit www.tedxarendal.com.

This is one of 27 TEDx talks and performances from the TEDxArendal Conference September 8th and 9th 2017, where leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Follow TEDxArendal on Instagram: www.instagram.com/TEDxArendal and news on Twitter: www.twitter.com/TEDxArendal Like TEDxArendal on Facebook: www.facebook.com/tedxarendal

Kategori Ideelt arbeid og aktivisme

Lisens Standard YouTube-lisens Lene Marie Fossen decided to stop time 20 years ago. She was then 10 years old, and stopped eating. Her personal story is unfortunately relevant and concerns many.

Today Lene Marie uses photography as her way out of the disease. She is self-taught – and has a unique talent. Lene Marie creates soulful portraits, including victims of the refugee crisis on the island of Chios in Greece. She is best known for her beautiful and revealing self-portraits.

Morten Krogvold is a Norwegian photographer and lecturer, especially known for his portrait of artists, writers, politicians, and other celebrities.

He will join speaker Lene Marie Fossen on stage, in conversation about photography and life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Биология поведения человека: Лекция #2. Эволюция поведения, I [Роберт Сапольски, 2010. Стэнфорд]

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Представляем вам вторую лекцию курса «Биология поведения человека» профессора Стэнфордского университета Роберта Сапольски. В ней он объясняет эволюцию поведения, используя наглядные примеры, в том числе широко известную «дилемму заключенного».

Перевод: Ксения Доронина
Редактура: Алексей Малов
Озвучка: Дмитрий Машкович
Монтаж звука: Олег Гаврилов
Монтаж видео: Кристина Утесова
Обложка: Павел Петерсон

Источник: youtu.be/Y0Oa4Lp5fLE

Can We Choose to Fall Out of Love? | DESSA | TEDxWanChai

The singer and rapper Dessa had been writing songs about heartbreak for years, as she waded through a volatile relationship and a protracted breakup. One night, inspired by a TED talk, she decided to see if studying her brain could help her fall out of love.

Though her experiment on love is not an official scientific study, it is a lens for examining big questions on love and loss, mind and body, art and science.

Singer, rapper, and writer Dessa has made a career of bucking genres and defying expectations—her résumé as a musician includes performances at Lollapalooza and Glastonbury, co-compositions for 100-voice choir, performances with the Minnesota Orchestra, and a top-200 entry on the Billboard charts for her album Parts of Speech. She contributed to the #1 album The Hamilton Mixtape; her track, “Congratulations,” notched over 5 million streams.

More info on Dessa:
Twitter: @dessadarling

Special thanks to the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research at the University of Minnesota

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

10 Правил Идеального Поцелуя - Как Научиться Целоваться

Умеете ли вы целоваться? Не слюнявить губы, нос и другие места на лице партнера, не оставлять засосов, считая это признаком невероятно большой любви, не кусаться, не сталкиваться зубами, а именно целоваться? Не умеете? Тогда вы попали по адресу! Обязательно досмотрите этот интересный, удивительный и необычный выпуск до конца, чтобы преуспеть в этом интересном деле! В этом выпуске все самые лучшие, невероятные, удивительные, необычные, интересные и познавательные в мире факты о секретах идеального поцелуя, о которых вы не знали. От правильного использования языка до невероятных базовых техник, позволяющих сделать поцелуй более ярким и необычным. С вами tophype, и интересная и познавательная подборка топ 10 правил идеального поцелуя, с помощью которых вы узнаете, как научиться целоваться.

Плейлист со всеми выпусками топ 5 от tophype: goo.gl/nncrQw

Сотрудничество: advert.tophype@gmail.com

Наши друзья Smart Pizza: www.youtube.com/channel/UCcsOhBOv3H7t28_1ah3DDCg

Разведопрос: Пётр Лидов про жизнь в Швейцарии

Пётр Лидов и рубрика «Пока вы спали»: www.facebook.com/peter.lidov

Аудиоверсия: oper.ru/video/audio/interview_lidov.mp3

Сайт Тупичок Гоблина: oper.ru
Гоблин в Twitter: twitter.com/goblin_oper
Гоблин Вконтакте: vk.com/goblin
Гоблин в Instagram: www.instagram.com/goblin_oper/
Гоблин в Facebook: goo.gl/GK13pD
Группа Вконтакте: vk.com/goblin_oper_ru

Разведопрос: Пётр Лидов про жизнь в Индонезии

Пётр Лидов и рубрика «Пока вы спали»: www.facebook.com/peter.lidov
Другие ролики про разные страны и народы.
Пётр Лидов про жизнь в Гонконге, ч. 1: youtu.be/4vzQo93L5Y8
Пётр Лидов про жизнь в Гонконге, ч. 2: youtu.be/HrxyRhLoQas
Пётр Лидов про жизнь в Швейцарии: youtu.be/M1hMCtOV4bc
Китаевед Елена Гесслер про жизнь на Тайване: youtu.be/H2O0ZYy8nhc
Павел Земский о жизни в Сингапуре: youtu.be/Cdr8wyqkbEw
Журналист Тим Керби про жизнь в России: youtu.be/0QBcuXYazxU
Равид Гор про жизнь в Израиле: youtu.be/9_vFLDcBXyw
— Аудиоверсия: oper.ru/video/audio/interview_indonesia.mp3

Сайт Тупичок Гоблина: oper.ru
Гоблин в Twitter: twitter.com/goblin_oper
Гоблин Вконтакте: vk.com/goblin
Гоблин в Instagram: www.instagram.com/goblin_oper/
Гоблин в Facebook: goo.gl/GK13pD
Группа Вконтакте: vk.com/goblin_oper_ru

Почему простые числа образуют спирали? [3Blue1Brown]

Помощь проекту: vertdider.tv/to-support-us/

Все мы слышали об удивительных закономерностях и паттернах в математике. Некоторые из них настолько красивы и необъяснимы, что люди с радостью приписывают им мистический смысл. Но стоит разобраться получше, и оказывается, всё дело во вполне понятных, хоть и сложных, свойствах самих чисел. Грант с канала 3Blue1Brown, например, предлагает разобраться, как таинственные спирали на полярном графике связаны с одной из фундаментальных особенностей простых чисел.

Перевод: Алексей Лоскутов
Редактура: Алексей Малов
Научная редактура: Михаил Коротеев
Озвучка: Юрий Катарманов
Монтаж звука: Андрей Фокин
Монтаж видео: Джон Исмаилов
Обложка: Андрей Гавриков

Патреон 3Blue1Brown: patreon.com/3blue1brown
Оригинал видео: youtu.be/EK32jo7i5LQ

Спасибо за поддержку на www.patreon.com/VertDider.
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Сайт студии: vertdider.tv

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